February 15, 2023 – Prof. Dr. Wanchai Yodsudchai, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, accompanied by
administrators and faculty members of the Faculty of Engineering, welcomed Prof. Dr. Yasunori Mitani,
President of the Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech), Japan and their executives for a visit to our
Faculty of Engineering. The discussion included academic cooperation in co-establishing a double-
degree program, student exchange between the two institutes, as well as cooperation in future research
opportunities. In addition, they visited the Automation Center and the laboratories at the Department of
Electrical Engineering.
For several years, the Faculty of Engineering and Kyutech have maintained an active partnership in
exchange students and summer training activities. Several professors at our Faculty of Engineering are
Kyutech alumni. They are currently engaged in developing a Double Degree Program. In its initial phase
the program will focus on electrical engineering in the areas of power and energy, control systems,
robotics, and automation. This will include transferring Thai students to conduct short-term internships at
Kyutech this summer.