The Faculty of Engineering of Kasetsart University would like to express its appreciation and congratulations to Mr. Chayut Phuangprasong (นายชยุตม์ พ่วงประสงค์), Mr. Supakorn Chankamnerd (นายศุภกร จันทรกำเนิด) and Mr. Nattapat Chaichana (นายณัฐภัทร ไชยชนะ) , 4th year students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, who received the Best Paper Award for their presentation at the 2022-2023 JSAE Kanto International Conference of Automotive Technology for Young Engineers (ICATYE), organized by the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan. The conference took place on 9 March, 2023 in Tokyo, Japan.
The award-winning work was the Design and Demonstration of a Three-Electrode Cell for Characterizing Commercial Lithium-ion Pouch Cells, with Assistant Professor Dr. Poowanart Poramapojana acting as the students’ advisor.