July 6, 2023 – In partnership with Curtin University in Australia and the Australian New Columbo Plan (NCP), an Australian governmental organization, the Faculty of Engineering at Kasetsart University (KU) held the opening ceremony of a collaborative project aimed at enhancing and developing the potential of local staff and international students in the fields of energy innovation and energy transition. This project was initiated with the intention of offering engineering students from Curtin University and our Faculty of Engineering the opportunity to jointly engage in academic activities, such as learning more about energy transition subfields through study tours and workshops. The opening ceremony was presided over by Dr. Chongrak Watcharinrat, president of Kasetsart University.

Congratulatory speeches were delivered by Mr. Korn Dabbaransi, a former deputy prime minister, and Mr. Chieanchuang Kalyanamitr, a representative of Curtin University. Asst. Prof. Dr. Patamaporn Sripadungtham, the vice dean for international affairs, also gave a speech in which she provided an overview of the Faculty of Engineering. Prof. Dr. Christopher Lagat from Curtin University gave a presentation on the topic of energy transition at the event. The ceremony took place at the auditorium of the International Building of the Faculty of Engineering, with participants from both universities in attendance.

Upon completion of the opening ceremony, Asst. Prof. Dr. Patamaporn Sripadungtham, professors and students from both institutions met with Dr. Angela Macdonald, Ambassador of the Commonwealth of Australia to Thailand, at the Australian Embassy.