Professor Dr. Mohamed Reza Mohammadi from the University of Dundee in Scotland visited IUP from January 15 through January 20, 2023.
Professor Mohammadi visited IUP and gave a seminar lecture to our students on January 17, 2023 on the topic of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Technology. He also discussed with IUP regarding the collaboration between the University of Dundee and Kasetsart University. Professor Mohammadi is specializing in nano technology and solar cell research.

Source: IUP Kasetsart University facebook page https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0Toh6oCbhGEdj14hZP6pdpWiUnCCNfdjmEqiEpkFLHkSwUANGZPXesUAc9mwFL7EEl&id=248265828586758&sfnsn=mo&mibextid=LROouL